19 Shtator 2020

Call for Expressions of Interest (CEI) – Civil Engineering Consultancy


Italian-Albanian Debt for Development Swap Programme (IADSA)

Call for Expressions of Interest (CEI) – Civil Engineering Consultancy

The Italian-Albanian Debt for Development Program (IADSA) has recently financed various projects to Albanian municipalities mainly concerning social infrastructure, schools, multifunctional centers, theaters, etc. The Technical Support Unit (TSU) of IADSA monitors the progress of the projects and ensures compliance with the procedures decided by the Management Committee of the IADSA Programme.

In this context, the TSU invite you to express your interest and make an offer for the civil engineering consultancy service, as per Annex A herewith attached to: tsu@iadsa.info stating Call for Expressions of Interest (CEI)–Civil Engineering Consultancy within 30 days starting 19/09/2020.

The total amount available is 925.000 Lek (Vat included). The offer must include VAT.

For more information regarding IADSA Programme please visit our website http://www.iadsa.info.

Annex A:    

Terms of Reference for Civil Engineering Expert

Level of Expertise:

  • University degree in civil engineering, architecture, or other relevant area, an advanced degree would be an asset;
  • Proven experience in supervising, monitoring and testing public infrastructures;
  • Sound decision making and organizational skills;
  • Proficiency in MS Office and in database software.

Task and responsibilities:

Under the overall supervision and in co-ordination with the TSU Co Directors of IADSA, the Consultant will make visits to project sites, consult projects, estimates costs and works, in order to assist the two codirectors in a better monitoring and evaluation of the projects. 

Specifically, the Expert is expected to:

  • Organize a calendar of visits to the project sites;
  • Draw up a sheet for each project visited, highlighting any critical issues;
  • Assist the two co-directors on the Albanian legislation on civil construction;


  • Previous experience, in similar context, in Albania;