14 Tetor 2014

Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth "Curriculum Mapping Services, Market Research and Rating Course Design Activities for the shoe design" (closed)

Project: Fashion VET - AL

Projekti: Fashion VET - AL

Ref. No. IADSA/2014/01, Prot.No. 4851/1, Date 14/10/2014

Ref. Nr. IADSA/2014/01, Nr. Prot. 4851/1, Datë 14/10/2014

The Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth, under the Project, “Fashion VET-AL” invites interested companies to submit their bids for the realization of “Curriculum Mapping Services, Market Research and Rating Course Design Activities for the shoe design” funded by the Italian-Albanian Dept Development Program (IADSA) and The Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth.
