Financed fund: 38.771.984 ALL (or 314.579 Euro)
Overall objective:
- Support the sustainable development of the Municipality of Vlore by structuring a solid urban waste management system, based on social and environmental responsibility.
Main activities:
- Establishment of a Temporary Association for the collection of waste in nature areas, based on the circular economy and social inclusion;
- Establishment of a municipal waste management company for the Municipality of Vlore;
- Identification and implementation of measures for the recovery of polluted sites in the Soda Forest and the Narta Lagoon;
- Drafting and implementation of guidelines;
- Elaboration of procedures for waste collection in target natural areas and coast according to a circular economy model;
- Supply of vehicles and tools for the waste collection system in the Soda Forest and the Narta Lagoon and along the coast;
- Conversion of 6 polluted sites into environmental conservation hubs;
- Awareness campaign aimed at schools and in particular at tourism schools;
- Awareness campaign for citizens and tourists.