Who we are

Debt for Development Swap Programme

The Management Committee of the IADSA Programme was established as per the bilateral Agreement signed by the Albanian and Italian Governments in August 2011 and entered into force in December of that year. The Management Committee is composed by the Albanian Minister of Finance and the Italian Ambassador in Albania.

The Technical Support Unit (TSU) was established in October 2012 to assist the Management Committee of the IADSA in the performance of its tasks: selection, monitoring and evaluation of the projects, as well as verification of the projects’ achievements. The TSU is managed by an Italian and an Albanian co-director, respectively appointed by each of the two Parties. The two co-directors are assisted by one finance officer, one programme assistant and one driver /logistician.

Composition of the TSU:

  • Ismail Ademi, albanian co-director
  • Anila Bekteshi, programme assistant
  • Bruno Puka, finance officer
  • Franko Kovaci, driver/logistician