
Revitalisation of Multifunctional Center of Kolonja


Financed fund: 38.705.060 ALL (or 314.037 Euro)

General objective:

- Enhance the existing building as a multifunctional Centre.

Specific objectives:

- Reconstruction of the existing building thus ensuring integrated development and facilitate access to services by vulnerable groups (new settlers and Roma population) in the Kolonja area through the improvement of local services and infrastructures;

- Increase the number of beneficiaries who attend the services provided in the building by 10%;

- Increase the number of young people from disadvantaged groups and minority communities, attending the premises of the building by enabling adequate infrastructures in line with their needs;

- Increase the cultural / artistic / local background and knowledge of the beneficiary by carrying out activities on the premises of the reconstructed building;

- Promote inclusive economy and cultural opportunities for vulnerable groups in the Kolonja area;

Main activities:

- Rehabilitation of the existing building / renovation in a multifunctional Center (MFC) Training on the production and marketing of local agri-food products for targeted women / Training on the social economy / Realization of a study visit

- Identification and joint planning of the cultural event through participatory and co-design approaches.
