Financed fund: 43.091.000 ALL (or 349.622 Euro )
Overall objective:
- The project will contribute to the efficiency and efficacy preparedness and response capacity of Health Care Centers as part of the overall reform of the National Emergency Medical Service.
Specific objectives:
- To ensure access to and delivery of quality health care service through restoration and development of appropriate emergency protocol to affected population;
-To scale up emergency preparedness and response capacity (health facilities equipped with skilled personnel, equipment and supplies) and ensure that the target health care centers are able to offer efficient basic services;
- To strengthen early warning diseases surveillance, information management and epidemic response.
Main activities:
- 10 Health care centers structural improvements;
- Acquisition and deployment of medical equipment and furniture;
- Identification and formulation of clinical and organizational protocols/Implementation of training activity;
- Workshop on EMS best practices;
- Awareness meetings and campaigns with the local population on preventive medicine.