Financed fund - 65.916.781 ALL (or 470.968,71 Euro)
Overall objective:
To support social inclusion of young people in order to promote their active participation in the social and cultural development of the community in Fier city and the sorrounding area, especially for young people/and the marginalized ones (Roma community, young people from the low-income families, orphans, girls from pre-urban and rural areas, young people with disabilities, young people having law-related problems, etc.)
Main activities of the project :
Restructuring of the Fier public theatre and strengthening of the youth organizations that are currently active;
-Peer tutoring (mutual assisstance) and exchange of best practices between new Italian artists and the teachers, educators and young artists from Fier;
-Promoting local partnership for youth culture between public and private institutions for the future sustainability of the activities in favour of the young people of Fier;
Organization of informal teaching courses and art initiatives for the children and young people educational laboratories and games to promote theatre, muzic, dance, cinema, photography, reading and creative writing;
- Organization of informal training courses and art initiatives that target particularly the people in difficulty: laboratories and shows to promote integration, intercultural dialogue, gender equality, respect for diversity and active citizenship;
-Organization of cultural initiatives for the children and the young people: thetre shows, music concerts and film shows from Italian and Albanian artists;
- Activation of a Youth Creativity Festival in Fier.